Manga Descriptions Shachiku Kensei, Haishinsha Ni Naru – Black Guild Kaishain, Ukkari Kaishayou Kaisen De S-Kyuu Monster Wo Aite Ni Musou Suru Tokoro Wo Zenkoku Haishin Shite Shimau On Lala Manga
getting a job is the grave of life sighs tanaka makoto, an office worker belonging to a black guild, as he takes on a dungeon for work again today. one day, he makes a mistake in the broadcast settings for recording work, and broadcasts his dungeon capture to the whole country. a single blow from the tyrant dragon?! tanaka, a sword master in the modern age, shows off his extraordinary skills, and the broadcast turns into a festival! 100 million concurrent viewers?! tanaka, who unexpectedly becomes an incredibly popular broadcaster, quits his black workplace and becomes an independent broadcaster. now its time for work. the former corporate slaves life of dungeon broadcasting begins!